We really planned our day good. We decided to get to Border's around 3:00 pm. We knew that people would already be there and waiting and sure enough there were a few knitters already waiting in the cafe. We found out that the cafe was going to shut down at 4:00 to set up the chairs and prepare for the arrival of the
Yarn Harlot. Borders had decided to pass out line tickets at 5:30 pm. So as all the knitters waited patiently and we did what we do best KNIT. It was just a great afternoon, we got to meet lots of fellow knitters. We were numbers 11-14 in line which were great numbers to have, because when I checked at 6:45 pm with the guys giving out the numbers they were at number 134 at that point. Borders had the set-up very organized. Our host Daniel was a great MC and he kept us entertained while we waited. I think Borders really didnt have an idea that there would be so many knitters. The closer it got to 7:30 I think the more excited we got. When Stephanie finally arrived we were all excited to finally meet her. She talked for 90 minutes -- it was great. She is so funny. We were cracking up laughing the whole time. When she was done we had no idea it was after 9:00 pm. Daniel really had to cut her off because she could have continued on for another 30 minutes or so and I don't think anyone would have minded at all. So the next plan was to get in line to get your book signed and take a picture. The line moved quickly for us since we were in the top 20. It was great seeing some of the things people were giving her. Someone made her a very cute wash cloth which said VA loves Knitters and there was also a SPIDER which was really cute, and of course a couple of first socks. We saw the
Mystery Stole #3 completed by 2 ladies, which was just out of this world beautiful, they were taupe and black -- Unfortunately, we were unable to get a picture, but trust me they were flawless. Stephanie was just so pleasant and her discussion was so entertaining. Here are a few pictures from our evening which will be one of our best memories in our Knitting circle for days to come........
We had the cutest guy in line with us... OZ. check him out with his MOM..

Here is
Rachyl with her jaywalker socks.
Coleen is working on a beautiful blue scarf.
Jody is wearing her lovely jaywalker scarf and she was also wearing monkey socks.
Knittish is enjoying the wait.

Anne is starting a pair of socks for her sister in CA. and the Knitter in the brown top drove all the way from Norfolk, VA to take part in the activities.

As you can see we had a great time...... for all of you who missed it ....sorry dudes....
Hi, CiCi! What fun it was last night, eh? I enjoyed seeing you and your sister there, too! Thanks for stopping by to say Hello. See you again soon!
Hi! What a great time that was, eh? Thank you for taking my picture (it came out really well) and putting it up on your blog. Happy knitting! :)
OH I'm so envious of you guys! Wish I coulda come with you --what fun you had! And the Yarn Harlot's skinner than I thought she was!
You got some great pics of everyone!!
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