So,,, this is my day OFF! woo hoo,,,,, I can't believe that I am not scheduled to do anything... Thank you God.. I am so looking forward to these two days off. I was so suprized when my supervisor did not ask me to work. Of course I did get off last weekend for stitches, but that doesn't count, I had to put in leave to get it off. So today it's kinda cloudy and cool and I am going to devote the entire day to finishing my tofootsies socks that I have put on one circular. I am at the home strectch because the heels were completed and I have only the cuffs to finished. I want was roaming around ravelry last night and forget that I stayed logged on all night long.. Then this morning all bright and bushy tailed I get a fresh new start after (8)Eight hours of sleep.... I was sooooo good... I normally can't sleep past 5 hours. My body clocked is fixed to it, since I have to get up by 4 leave house by 5 and start work by 6:30. I can't help thinking how nice it is going to be when I transfer from Fredericksburg to Fairfax. Surely I will be able to sleep a bit longer,, keeping my fingers crossed anyway.
So back to the original reason that I want to post, I started on Ravelry looking at Crimson Purls post and how much fun she had doing a meet up and a YarnCrawl with her friends in North Carolina.. and I ended up on ..... blog and I was thinking ,,, this blog is awesome and she has some of the best pictures,, I think she deserves a tag... so I wanted to make sure I do it right now.. so I am tagging 5 blogs that I think deserve this tag and I want to thank all of you for posting and making it fun and exciting to read.
So back to the original reason that I want to post, I started on Ravelry looking at Crimson Purls post and how much fun she had doing a meet up and a YarnCrawl with her friends in North Carolina.. and I ended up on ..... blog and I was thinking ,,, this blog is awesome and she has some of the best pictures,, I think she deserves a tag... so I wanted to make sure I do it right now.. so I am tagging 5 blogs that I think deserve this tag and I want to thank all of you for posting and making it fun and exciting to read.
SO again I cannot figure out how to put the blog symbol HERE and so its up there... sorry.. It is meant to go here=======>>. It can't be that hard...
2. Ava
4. CrimsonPurl
Thanks for the rockin award!!
Heeeey CiCi and CAJtalk!!! This is such a surprise!
I had no idea you read my blog and then your 1st time commenting with Rockin' Blogger badge! Thank you!!
You must send me an e-mail at: crimsondiva1999@yahoo.com so I can send you a message!
Thanks so much for the award!!
Thanks for the award and for reading my blog!
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