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Here is Emmy

Now on another important subject. I have a co-worker who is in serious need of help with her dog, Emmy. Emmy is 4 years old and has been living with her for 3 years. Her son got her from some friends. When she first got her she was a sweet and playful puppy, as time went on she became aggressive and would respond violently and negative to visitors who came in her path. Then it became increasing hard to let her be near anyone, because she would attack. She has been unable to get any assistance from any vets in the area. They refuse to see her. Now she feels that she has no other choice but to put her to sleep. This is by recommendation of her local vet. She is scheduled to be put down on October 13th. So time is running out for her.
I feel like their must be something that could be done to prevent her from putting Emmy to sleep. She is a healthy dog. She just seems to have some past psychological problems that have surfaced. ande is causing her to be in such an attach mode. I am asking anyone if they have any recommendations or solutions so that Emmy can stay alive. The owner is fearful of what might happen when her grandchild comes to visit. She doesn't want to put her to sleep, but she feels she has no other choice. It has been the toughest thing she has had to do.
So I thought, let's open up the dialog and she if I could get her some help. I know that there are lots of animal lovers that read this blog and, who knows, maybe someone could give her a ray of hope. Last night I sent a letter to Cesar Milan, "The Dog Whisperer", in hopes that he might give me some advice. Right now he is only taking request from California residents.
I hope I can give her some good news.
Emmy is just to cute. I wish I could help but I live in California. You might try putting an ad on Craigslist, there are trainers who can help figure out what is bothering her. Has your friend tried crating her when she starts the bad behavior?
I think she can be helped. And I'm glad that you wrote to Cesar. Did you check out his website too? I haven't been there in a while, but I'm thinking that there should be basic information on how to train the dog.
Also, there is a Dog Whisperer group on Ravelry. Please post this info in the forum and see if anyone can give you some immediate help in training her. I really don't want to see the dog put to sleep.
what state is the dog live in?
@ twogymratsmomnknitter2..she is a cutie...Hope we can save her.
@nik. Girl. this is good news. I am posting in the group right now. Thanks so much. She is in Virginia.
update..Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisper, is only taking applications from the southern california area at this time.
you have no idea how much this is bothering me. if my boyfriend didn't object to the idea, i would be driving my tail to virginia to get her myself.
this is where I am impatient. You post and then sit back and wait. So far nada! Thank you Nicole, I appreciate your help.
Dropped by from Ravelry... can the owner get in touch with an animal behaviorist? They are different than trainers, who teach the basic sit/stay stuff. Behaviorists do the kind of aggression work Emmy needs! Perhaps a Google search for animal behaviorists in her area? That is the step I would take immediately.
Emmy is so cute. I hope someone has an answer. Soon.
Ria ( tonyfan4ever on ravelry)
Found your blog through ravelry.
Here's a link to a dog training group that's had great results in my area. Hopefully there's one near your friend.
My other suggestion would be to call the local humane societies near her and ask about some training help.
Our local societies have help on-line, by phone as well as training classes.
I hope this helps.
Hello from the Ravelry train. Does Emmy respond negatively only to visitors in her 'territory' (house, garden, etc) or everyone she meets, wherever? It could be a dominance or defense issue, especially if she's with a single human most of the time. I agree that a behavourist will help, but straight away, I would recommend praising her for good behaviour, rewarding calmness, greeting people nicely, etc, and ignoring her for bad behaviour with the use of clickers or noise distractors, exclusion to a naughty room for 5 minutes, turning your back on a naughty dog can be quite effective too. They will often calm down straight away. Dogs are like children, they crave attention. There is no reason to put a healthy dog down. If they have had her from a puppy there are probably no psychological issues. It's more likely to be a behavioural thing and can be worked through. Tell your friend to have hope, and to get some expert help to sort out what is the most effective programme for Emmy. I have a very large, dominant male GSD who gave me hell when he was going through puberty, and now he is the sweetest tempered dog you could hope to meet! Patience and persistance will pay off in the end!
Lookin into Pet Smarts Banfield Program. They will accept any dog any behavior. They have a well trained staff that can help you or direct you to those that can. I am very happy with their service. I know Cesar is good, but the likelyhood of us being able to get his help is nullor slim.
I love Cesar and would leave my husband in a heartbeat for him! Emmy is so cute. She needs long walks to tire her out. Our dogs are so much better since we learned how important the walk is. It sounds like your friend has let the dog be the pack leader and it is much easier to fix things when the dogs have a good long walk every day. We do at least a half an hour every evening after work. It's a big commitment but it has really helped. Good luck!
i hope your friend doesnt give up on emmy...
i agree with posters who say to contact trainers/ behaviorists. there must be some outlet... try local pet stores... and humane society.
i would also ask... how often does the dog get walked? most small indoor dogs do not get enough exercise... and can make them aggressive... i have found that a challenging, brisk walk can make a world of difference in a dog's behavior.
and dont tolerate bad behavior from the dog... when my dogs do something "naughty", a loud "EHHHHHH!!!!" gets there attention everytime...
best of luck.
thanks, cici for visiting my blog... and thanks for your comments! hopefully, i will have more pics soon!
Cool blog! Poor Emmy...maybe Cesar will make an exception for her. He seems to have a soft spot for tough cases.
Have they tried putting a muzzle on her and making her be submissive in front of say a friend who would be willing to help out? There is also a show called "It's me or the Dog" that I heard was now doing shows in the US. You could try them! She's on Animal Planet, I think. I've seen her do biting little dogs before.
Good luck!
Judging from that picture, a person would think it's impossible for that dog to hurt anyone. But I guess they do have teeth, though. Sorry to hear about Emmy possibly being put to sleep, and good luck on recommendations or solutions made available.
Also, I see it everyday - people screaming Obama who are not even registered to vote.
A note about Emmy intended for her owner:
I really hope she is able to find help for Emmy BUT if circumstances just don't allow, please tell her for me it is NOT evil, NOT weak, NOT cruel to put her to sleep. Keeping her locked in back rooms when visitors come over, keeping her in crates when grandchildren are there, keeping her in the house every day rather than walking her or taking her fun places, etc... all of those are more cruel if she's unable to overcome whatever anxiety is causing her behavior. Because it is anxiety of some sort, and if it extreme enough to cause such extreme behavior, she needs HELP or she needs release from it. She will go quietly to sleep with her human's tears on her fur and have been loved, and that is a jackpot for any dog.
I hope that makes sense and I don't get a bunch of hate mail. I have been in the situation she is in myself with an aggressive dog and was able to find help (he needed to be an only dog in a quiet, stable environment so I rehomed him with my father and he is a whole new dog!) but I was preparing myself to put him down as I couldn't resolve the issue inside my home and was running out of options -- most people were supportive but a few who treated me as if I were a horrible person for even considering it made me feel more terrible by the whole thing. I cried every day for weeks while trying to repair things, trying to decide, trying to train him and keep him under control while I was more and more pregnant everyday and hardly able to move toward the end. I love that dog, used to sleep with him in my arms like a teddy bear, and I am grateful forever that he is happy now and I can still visit him, but I still think that if my father hadn't been able to take him that I would have been doing the right thing.
My thoughts are with you. It is now 10/14 and whatever decision was made, I know it was the right one for all concerned.
Well is emily o.k.?It is oct 15?
I hope you found help.
Peeking my head in to see what's going on with the dog. How are things?
just wondering how things went. I am hoping she made the right decision.
I had to put my dog down. He was very old and couldn't even walk any more. I am sorry for you and know what it is like. Tell her to hang in there. I have been a lurker here for awhile. I guess now I should get a blog account so I can sign my comment.Nice blog you have here, but seems knitting isn't your main topic.
What a tough situation with the poor dog. I second the earlier comment that the owner is in a tough situation and it is not a good life for Emmy either. So sad.
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