Today marks one year ago that our Brother-- Robert(Bobby to us) passed away. You are still in our thoughts Bro!. This pass year has been trying for some of us. When we think of Bobby, we all can give you a different memory. I remember him most for his sense of humor and great stories. So many times we used to laugh so hard about his adventures from his job. He was known as Mr. Coffee to many. That boy would drink coffee in a 32 ounce cup. Big Gulp's was his other drink of choice, Mountain Dew to be exact. You never saw him with anything less than a 32 ounce cup.
He had a great love for flowers and helped my mom in the garden each year arranging and planting Coleuses(his favorite) and other beautiful seasonal flowers. He was the one designated to water the flowers daily. Sometimes at 3 o'clock in the morning lol. He never missed a day.
Every Sunday he took my Mom to church, they would often go to different Churches throughout the DC area. His and my mom's favorite Church to attend would be St Camillus Catholic in Silver Spring. We often enjoyed their Multicultural Mass at 11 am.
I have so many fond memories of my Brother. Thank you Bobby for enriching our lives with
your presence. Your memory lives on forever!
I miss you Bob, I think of you often and as CiCi said we have so many good memories of you. I can see your smile and hear your laugh. TissuePaper / HighCotton are the names you gave us..
Miss you much.
Thank you for sharing with all of us a few of the sweet memories of your brother Robert.
Your memories are wonderful for your brother...blessings to all.
God bless you and your family. No one remembered is ever truly gone.
Cici - you have approx. 18 minutes to do your post for Saturday.
What a great way to honor your brother. Continue to take comfort in your memories of him. Blessings
Thanks for all the kind and encourageing words
God bless.
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